Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ahhh could you be a dear and click on that there "vote" button (yes yes, the big green one)? I normally don't like charlotte russe, but you have to admit, one of my drawings on a t-shirt? that'd be badass times a million.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Today has been an adventure. The picture you see to the right is a picture I'm painting for Nicole for her birthday. She said if i got her anything, it should be a picture of a train. She spoke, so it shall be. It's not finished yet, I keep chickening out to finish because I'm not a painter so I feel like I'm going to ruin it. I woke up early to go pick up Axel and we headed over to the arts store to pick up some nupastels and some news print. Then we headed over to Zupas to have some lunch. He said in France, they don't have salads like those, so he said he is excited to go home and make them for his family to try something new. He picked up his roll, tore a piece off and ate it, then said "its almost bread!" and kept calling the restaurant "fast food". It's funny how things are so different for him. We headed back to the studio and he sat me down and had me listen to the soundtrack from Snatch as he drew me. I'm excited for him to post a photo of it (I'll post it here as well) so i can see the finished product. It will be nothing fancy, just for practice. Now I'm home and waiting for some time to pass. I'm finally going out on the town with Gregory tonight/tomorrow after a very busy past few weeks for him. I miss him! I'm excited to spend some time with him again. It's really been too long.
Anyone looking for a good movie, Modern Times. My new favorite. I love Charlie.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


And there's no food in the house. oh, how I can't wait for thanksgiving. I'm going to stuff my face full. Also, whats with NOBODY caring about any actual problems? fashion, beauty, wallpaper, music, i feel like no one cares about anything meaningful. AWESOME. I am actually thankful lovely family. My lovely boyfriend that understands my weird moods and puts up with me. I'm also thankful I'm able to have intelligent conversations with him and have him appreciate a good political joke. I'm thankful for all the lovely friends I've made from around the world this year. I look forward to seeing them later on in life when I actually get to go to places like france, italy and japan. I am thankful for everything I have learned this year. I think I've learned more this year than the last few years combined for sure. I am thankful for my cat, for she honestly understands me. I'm thankful that my parents and I can talk more, and better to each other. Better than last year around this time. I'm thankful for my car, I don't have a car payment! I'm thankful for Mary, for taking me under her wing and teaching me her artistic skill and for being such a beautiful woman and friend. Her resplendency is unfathomable. I am thankful for real friends. Which, I've got about two, whom I love so much. Miss randi and tarabella. You two are here when I need you. You know I've got your backs forever, right? Anyway, thanks for reading my rant. Happy up-coming Turkey day Americanos!

Friday, November 20, 2009

and again..

I can tell already this is going to be a drawing I hold near and dear to myself. I've spent about 15 hours on it so far and it doesnt even have a background yet! no detail has gone un-perfected and it really does look so much better in person.
Photographs do it no justice. I've done the whole thing so far with about 50 different colors of Prismacolor pencils and I'm going to finish the background with some pastels and dots of white paint to add snow. I absolutely can't wait for it to be finished!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Today's masterpiece.

Made my little refrigerator man in paint. On a whim, he's so cold, but still very friendly!

Just realizing..

I don't have any lifelong friends. Friends I've been friends with since before I can remember. Sasha and I had been friends since we were two. For some reason I always felt like I was putting in more effort to be her friend than I received in return. she always seemed like she'd rather hang out with someone cooler. Destiny and I had been friends since the fourth grade (if you count hating each other on and off haha!) and lately she wont keep plans with me when not too long ago we were texting each other non-stop about how much it sucked that summer was over and we had to go to different schools. What we were up to every second of every day. Best friends for life.
For some reason, it makes me incredibly sad that I can't say that to anyone..

Saturday, November 14, 2009

New beginnings.

These are the things that matter most.
Welcome to my world of tiny secrets.