Wednesday, January 27, 2010


For my photo-graphy class, we work with black and white film. And it's all hands on all the way down until the finished product. Manual camera, standing in a tiny dark closet to get the film out of the canister, dumping developer into the film, shake, repeat. Cut up photo paper, put the negative in the light box, put photo paper below that. shine the negative on the photo paper for approximately 8 seconds. Put the photo paper in developer, then stop mix, then fixer, then rinse with water. After all of that, I produced a lovely photo of my sister. And here you have it.

Monday, January 25, 2010

This time last year.

It's funny to think about the goals that I had at this time last year. How much I've come out of my shell and my comfort zone. This time last year, I had dreams of going to Canada. I had a brand new laptop (still got it, just not so brand new, but still my best friend, hehe). I had slanted bangs and a bleached spot in my hair. I...still dressed the same as I do now. No really, same t-shirt is still my favorite. I just wanted to make it through high school and I had no idea what came next. I finally learned who Peter Singer was. My favorite ring was that big black gemstone one. Yes, the one that I still wear almost every day. I was sad, that my family had almost fallen apart at the seams, but still working through it with hope. I didn't draw much because I never had the time. I was sitting in college algebra at noon until one on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I had in mind one Smith-Corona 1950's typewriter. I thought I might've been in love with a person I didn't even know. I still worked my usual weekend shifts at the diner. I'd spend every Sunday afternoon at the local Starbucks with Randi until closing time. My best friend. I wore leggings instead of pants, and my black pea coat with the red lining. My favorite band was the Matches. I thought I knew it all because I read Chuck Palahniuk.

And now.. I've been to Canada. And I can tell when people are Canadian because contrary to popular Canadian beliefs, they really do say "eh?". My bangs are straight. My hair is all one color. I graduated high school. And I figured out that school is not everything. Only a small part of life. I love Peter Singer, but I love Bell Hooks and Marx alot more. I acquired alot more jewelry (and even started making it myself). My family has almost fallen apart again, but this time from a different family member (or two), alot of worry. But I know we'll all get through it like we always do. I draw so much my hands are always dirty (that goes for painting too, even with soap, the color doesn't come off). I understand college algebra better than almost any other math class I've ever taken and I've taken a little liking in studying set theory as well. I now own that lovely beautiful Smith-Corona typewriter. I found out I wasn't in love, but I still got my heart broken and cried harder than I have in years. I still work at that damn diner on the weekends. I try to spend time with Randi, but I feel the reason we don't see each other is because the Starbucks closed down (hence why I don't absolutely hate Starbucks, it allowed me to get to know someone better than I ever have before). Randi is still my best friend. I now want to pull out those old leggings, but dominantly wear jeans or those black pants that're so faded. I still love my pea coat. My favorite band will always be the Matches, though they don't really exist anymore. Instead of Palahniuk, I read Marx, books about Dahli, Scott Pilgrim! (as well as Watchmen, any comics, really), and became revolutionary in thought (and hopefully some day in action as well). I've grown so much as a feminist, and it makes me proud to say that amongst a class of almost 40, I am one of two girls in my Marxist Philosophy class. I've become a photographer and have so much fire and passion for it, more than I could've ever expected. I fell in love with the complete least expected person. I got new glasses, they look exactly like my old ones, but they don't slip off my face. I've found a new mentor in Mary. I can critically analyze cheesy 80's movies like They Live! I learned sleeping in my car is incredibly uncomfortable, but nights up with my lovely darling make it an adventure nonetheless. I've got my ears pierced and they've actually been working for me. I lost 8 pounds somewhere along the way. My laugh lines are becoming deeper in my face. I've met so many new people I couldn't even name them all. I made every last second count. Silly how that works.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


The one reason I'd seriously consider getting a tattoo would be so I could take pictures of it in infrared. There's something about it that makes the blacks blacker and the colors all turn to blue that makes them look so incredible and clear. Jesse (I think) said he didn't much like his tattoo, until I started taking pictures of it. I think that sparked a little more hope in him. Like maybe it's not that bad. Like bad ass might better describe. So this is a call, for all you in the world that have tattoos, I want to shoot you.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


three months in the making and its finally done. say hello to miss japanese wood carving extravaganza. done with prismacolor, pastel and acrylic paint. you can click on the image to see it full sized, though the photograph still doesn't do it justice. needless to say, i'm very proud of the hard work i put into this.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

and there we were. bear-est of friends. (and le petit chat of course!)

For some reason over the years i've accumulated a mass amount of bear paraphernalia. And when I say a mass amount, I mean two things. probably more than most people. The hat, i just HAD to have (just ask my friend victoria) because i thought it'd make me look asian, but instead made me look like a mouseketeer. And the jacket, i got for the same reason. And neither of them did what I wanted them to, but they were a dream for this particular reason!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

get to know her way back when,

she walks in polka dot cotton socks
her zebra skirt, shocks
the masses
lowering looks, as she passed by
one thing
on her mind
high school crush

poppers in the locker room
what a rush
both of them

hooded smile feline
touch of class
ever lasts, that lasts

style that screams
yeah, yeah, yeah
wanting fire
on her mouth, wow! wow! pout!
she'll knock you out

fresh tie crisp, like that "hey ya" thing fills
under her skin, vicious circle
thin, thin, thin

bangs, white leather gloves. long legs, looking for love
power. wow! her
she wants it. takes it. makes it hers.
underneath it all like a big dress
there's a story in her eyes

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I really do

to you, crazy girl (you know who you are),
i really do wish you happiness.
i'm glad. happy for you. for taking steps
to getting better. looking toward the future.
i'm glad things are working out, for you.
that you can learn to be happy and content all on your own.
things happen for silly reasons.
the past can be thrown away.
you have nothing to lose but your chains.
congratulations, you're finally moving forward.
in the best way.

Friday, January 1, 2010


She was so lovely to shoot. I can't wait to do more!
(you can click on the image for a larger size)
The lighting on this was different from what I've normally used. Instead of using the umbrella lights we used soft boxes to direct light in a more specific direction. I loved them! She looks absolutely flawless! And I'd say for expecting a baby only a couple days after the shoot, she was glowing. She's wonderfully gorgeous.