Celebrate life; with the summer solstice. Being out from sun up until sun down. You and I, we woke up early. Not too early, but considerably. Tired, still. We drove down to the sandwich shop to pick up lunch. We didn't eat, but put the food in our bags. We drove; and drove; and drove. Through sun-lit trees with bright green leaves; groves. Winding roads with the windows down. Fresh air; fresh mountain air. We walked; with deep breaths and tired laughs. We walked through trees, over dirt, and under oxygen; under the sky: blue blue blue. Tank tops and sneakers. Tripping over rocks. Over logs; over rivers. We talked. Movies and such. We rounded that corner, and saw the sun shining through the trees; onto the waterfall. We climbed the giant rock with slippery feet; and ate our sandwiches. Climbing back down, with our bums on the ground, down the steep rock, we put our toes in the water. The freezing water. We laughed and screamed, we wanted to run through the waterfall, but once the water became knee-deep, we chickened; because it was so cold. We trekked back down the mountain, barefoot. Rocks and all. Between conversations, half-hearted "ouch"'s. We drove; through the trees, and through the birds and spiders. Back down the path; that led to your house. Still early-morning. We got your front yard sprinkler. The fountain! How glorious! Bathing-suit-clad, we ran. Through the specs of water and rainbows. Hair soaking wet and shivering, we walked in the sun. We went to the marcado. We bought a Coke; in bottles. Hissing when the lid was removed and breathing a cold sigh of relieve. We walked into the sun.
&& then;;; a different you & i. we went. we stumbled. we sweat in the hot summer heat. the long drive up but we both knew it was worth it. we made small talk; even though there were more words that needed to be said. we traveled; 80 miles per hour. you told me; you don't know how far a mile is; you use kilometers. you told me about your fear of glass floors; because of that time when you were five; and your older brother threw you onto one; you thought you were going to fall through. from so high up. you made voices, and screamed "AHH!" as if you were living the fright again. I laughed. you laughed. we reached our destination. we walked. through the hot sun; you in a plaid flannel long-sleeved shirt; and me thinking you were crazy. we walked inside the cafe. you liked it! i ordered. then you. i laughed when you pronounced "mint mocha" smoothie like "m-eye-nt moe-CHa"; the cashier looking at you and not knowing what you were saying; and me luckily understanding. i translate. i look at you. we walk. we sit. we talk. we drink. you laugh. i snap your photo. you laugh at me for hating pictures; as you secretly take one of me. you say you find things like this back home all the time. we eat. we leave. we walked. through the sun; more and more. around blocks and blocks; of tall shiny buildings as you tell me how much you love new york. i remember the dirt in my toes from earlier that day. I miss it. now in the city of concrete. we go into the antique store; with the giant fluffy cat. full of shoes and dresses and typewriters from the 70's. as we're walking and talking; you decide you want to see a movie; you insist i come. tonight. yes. now. lets go. we scramble; to my hot car. we drive drive drive. we buy tickets; i see old friends. i introduce you. you say "you have the bluest eyes!" i couldnt agree more. we wait for the movie; we browse the mall. we snap photos in a photobooth. you wouldnt take off your sunglasses; the ones you got in a gas station for ten dollars. & as we watch the movie; i keep thinking how i might have a small crush on bradley cooper. tss. the drive home; you teach me french. comment allez-vous, you ask? bien; i reply; embarrassed. only imagining how terrible my accent must be. you make fun of me; after i say you talk beautifully; by repeating everything i say; back to me in french. i admit, i like to listen.