the past two nights i've had the strangest dreams and when i wake up, i remember every detail. the night before last, i dreamed i was in a school. a dark and dreary school that appeared to be underground. a very large school, like a maze. I was a member of two clubs at school, a music club as well as a political one. where my dream started, i was in the music club when all of a sudden, bullets started flying through the walls, like an army was outside. we all ducked under desks and on the floor until the shots stopped flying. terrified and confused, we went into the next room to see who had done it. it was the political club. they don't like music. maybe they dont like me. they want me to join them. but i also have friends in music club. the music club tries to resolve the problem peacefully. the political group results to violence to get their point across. it works. they win. after this, my dream cuts to a different scene, like a movie, where things are peaceful between the two groups and everyone is friends.
then, last night, i dreamed my friend shirley and i were going to see a show. (i think a comedy/play?). the entire dream we were driving around in my dads truck for some reason, through very small cobblestone streets wondering where the show was, and where to park. we wore sunglasses and happened upon a very large parking garage where we left not the truck, but a pair of sunglasses, in a parking stall next to two girls drinking coffee. we walked back out of the parking garage because the truck had disappeared for some reason. the show was a block away. i went. shirley didnt. she began to walk downhill and i went uphill. i sat down in the theater by myself. it was hot inside and i didnt know anyone. i left to look for shirley and found her downhill outside a bakery. i told her to come with me to the show because it was going to start soon. we began walking uphill. the hill never ended but the dream did. it was an entire dream of trying to get to a show that would never play, i never actually found out what the show was.
i don't understand, but at the same time i do. freud said dreams are your unconscious revealing itself. why my unconscious is so jumbled up is anyones guess. i dont think its actually unconscious, if my consciousness feels the same way all the time.