Monday, July 26, 2010


i'm a little anti-social. i get worried meeting new people and i stumble on my words. I worry that i'll say something stupid, and i usually end up doing so. i'm a little silly. probably the only person with a silly haircut that actually has a silly stupid story behind it and a silly stupid meaning. i love receiving mail. even if its not from anyone. i shop online frequently just so i can receive mail. i love messages in bottles and sculpted figurines of mad scientists. creepy/silly. i love spray painting bookshelves wacky colors and owning bulgarian pilot hats. silly/random. i love long keys and bright purple hair. i love strange shoes, even more so when they're only ten dollars. i love old pepsi bottles, even better when they've got wooden figurines inside. even even better, when they're all the way from boston, and have red yarn around the top. i love japanese cartoons like kittens inside hamburgers and toast with silly faces. i love my real-life kitten. sleeping on the bed next to me. i love getting packages addressed specifically to me, containing words of reassurance, and most of the things listed above; a huge unexpected completely fantastic package, to make all problems disappear. i love huge grins on my face while i laugh at how complicated tape is. all the things that make life good: wooden ducks; paper with sparrows; feathers; hand-written; moon charts; open invitations to go where i want to with bunnies; and japanese mustache-man stamps. i think, things can be good with a little help from friends strangers. silly/adventurous. "AN ODD LITTLE PACKAGE FOR MY ODD LITTLE FRIEND"; and maybe we think exactly the same. i think its easier to say the most important things without words. i wear myself on the outside like a picture book to be read, and maybe its kind of silly/stupid but i'm really anti-social.